Sunday, September 9, 2012

"Unwritten"-Natasha Bedingfield

Have you ever been at a standstill in your life, unsure that what you’re doing in your life is what you really want to? Maybe the past has forced you to settle or made you give up on all hope for the future. Whenever I have thoughts like these, I always turn to music. Natasha Bedingfeild’s song, “Unwritten”, provides not only an uplifting feeling but substantial lyrics that can provide much meaning. “Drench yourself in words unspoken/ Live your life with arms wide open/ Today is where your book begins/ The rest is still unwritten”(Bedingfield). This song reminds us that we have our whole lives to live and that our future is whatever we make it. We, as humans, have the ability to choose and write in another future if we want.


  1. That song is great, such a powerful message.

  2. This is one of my favorite songs. It is very easy to become lost in living for today rather than looking forward. You make your own story and Natasha says this message perfectly.

  3. Good song man. Love the book metaphor.
